婚禮當天,我們這邊時間整個亂掉,還好有Shirley 幫忙控回來,整體的效果遠遠超出預期,當下才體會到當初提到氣氛的重要性,很會玩遊戲,讓我意外的是,以為只有單純中文主持,我們需要請朋友連一開始都要翻譯,沒想到Shirley 開場讓我的家人及客人非常滿意,連翻譯的朋友都稱讚Shirley 英文標準,很開心有中英文主持人,玩遊戲時也跟翻譯的朋友配合很好,真的很感謝shirley幫忙!
On the day of the wedding, our schedule became completely messed up. Shirley went above and beyond to bring it back under control for us. Her playfulness made me truly realize the importance of a positive atmosphere. I was caught off guard when I found out we needed translated MCingfrom the very start of the event. My family were all very satisfied with Shirley's opening speech, even our translator friend applauded her English pronunciation. She also collaborated well with the translator for the games too. I'm so glad there's an English MC . I'm so thankful for Shirley's help.
She said that she will be directly accepting clients. Please directly contact me for her contact details. Thanks.