While we were traveling to Taipei for our holiday, we hope we can find a wedding photographer here to make an unforgettable memory. *grind* :D
Then we decide to visit JUDY because of they have a high rating in the internet. As soon we come in, we were greeted by Acho who help us thoroughly, and she understands about our situation, that we do not have a lot of time in Taipei. She explained the usual photoshoot situation in Taipei very clearly, about the places, the weather, the budget, and everything. So sad that we can only picked several dresses from their gorgeous dress collections. First we arranged that we will have the photoshoot in the next week (next 5 days), but after Taiwan Typhoon news update Acho think that it will be better to take the photoshoot right the next day. (Taipei is dark and raining the next week). So that evening we also meet Ben the photographer who will take or pictures. He help us arranges where we want to go to take our pictures, what kind of feeling and color that we like, and since we don’t know any of the places he gives a lot of examples too.
Today we are back at JUDY to select our photos, so many good pictures to pick from. We are very glad about the whole experience, and would like to recommend JUDY to our friends and to you out there who are looking for a Wedding Photography place.
#婚紗試穿 #新秘彩妝#婚戒#婚鞋#西服#婚禮紀錄(婚攝)#婚禮紀錄(婚錄)#婚宴會館#婚禮佈置#婚紗拍攝#婚禮DIY#喜餅#喜帖#闖關遊戲#捧花#主持人#蜜月旅行#淡水莊園(婚紗基地)#真愛桃花源(婚紗攝影基地)#台北婚紗外景推薦#陽明山黑森林#淡水沙崙#中山北路CP值最高的婚紗攝影 #JUDY婚紗 #婚紗 #婚紗攝影 #婚禮攝影 #禮服單租 #婚紗照 #婚紗禮服 # taipeijudywedd #白紗 #晚禮服#wedding photography # JUDY茱蒂文創.婚禮 # JUDY茱蒂文創.婚禮 # weddingdress # 婚紗推薦 #台北婚紗 #新娘造型 #新娘造型 #新娘造型 #禮服 #台北婚紗推薦#婚禮攝影#台北婚紗推薦#婚紗攝影#台北婚禮攝影#新秘